1 MagnaniomousCoward  Nov 28, 2008 8:21:19am

The original post has several links, including a screenshot of the email in question.

2 RickJ  Nov 28, 2008 8:26:49am

It’s a religion and it seems like the members believe in it, so I can give them some credit for spreading what they believe to be be good and true and all that. If you really think you have the answers, you speak up.

On the other hand, Scientology is a ridiculous name for a religion. Can’t quite figure out why the new recruits don’t just laugh themselves silly over the name and walk away. wonder why they don’t call themselves Hubbardites or some such thing.

3 MagnaniomousCoward  Nov 28, 2008 8:40:24am

I’m not really worried about them distributing the pamphlet on its own, but I’m worried that it’ll come with an official Indian government seal on it. They’ve used false government and company endorsements in the past. 7/11, Dell, Coca Cola, various ministers and mayors have been abused for this.

And then you have the Volunteer Ministers, who are send out with a specific mission to scare people away from getting mental health assistance:

CCHR/VM laughing about how they scared people away from mental health workers on 7/7/2005

re: #2 RickJ

On the other hand, Scientology is a ridiculous name for a religion

Scientology started as a “science”. Hubbard tried to get acceptance from the scientific community for his theories, but he was angered when he was rejected. Psychiatrists are now the boogeymen in Scientology. The worst of them was na Hubbard ran his own alternative mental health business, and when they got in trouble with the FDA and the IRS he changed into a “religion”. “Orgs” became “churches”. Executives started wearing clergy collars….

re: #2 RickJ

wonder why they don’t call themselves Hubbardites or some such thing.


4 MagnaniomousCoward  Nov 28, 2008 8:42:10am


The worst of them was na

The worst of them (the psychiatrists) was named Xenu.

5 MagnaniomousCoward  Nov 28, 2008 8:48:12am

re: #2 RickJ

It’s a religion and it seems like the members believe in it, so I can give them some credit for spreading what they believe to be be good and true and all that.

In addition to the false endorsements from governments and companies, they claim that what they are spreading is completely secular, and want tax funding for it.

Here’s what’s written on the back of my copy of The Way to Happiness:

The Way to Happiness was written by L. Ron Hubbard as an individual work and is not part of any religious doctrine. This may be the first non-religious moral code based wholly on common sense. Any reprinting or individual distribution of it does not infer connection with or sponsorship of any religious organization. It is therefore admissible for government departments and employees to distribute it as a non-religious activity. (Reprinting can be arranged with the copyright owner or his personal representatives.)

6 MagnaniomousCoward  Nov 28, 2008 8:53:44am

Telegraph blog confirms:

Scientologists move in on traumatised Mumbai

I can confirm that. I’ve just rung ABLE UK at Saint Hill Manor, the Scientology HQ, to be told that Hubbard booklets are being rushed out “in order to pour oil on troubled water”. I think I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

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